Although listening to music in music therapy has a much longer tradition
than active music therapy, receptive music therapy in European countries
has been strongly neglected for many years. The German edition of this
book, published in 2004, is the first to present the most important
methods of receptive music therapy in one volume. This volume presents
the English edition. 18 well-known European authors present forms of
receptive music therapy, which focus on both theoretical and practical
aspects. The spectrum of methods and clinical applications is broad:
receptive music therapy as or in psychotherapy (f. ex. Guided Imagery
and Music, Regulative Music Therapy, Integrative Music Therapy), as
Sound Guided Trance, In Depth Relaxation Therapy, in Anthroposophic
Music Therapy, etc. Various case studies of adolescent and adult
patients illustrate how to work in different clinical contexts.
Theoretical questions are discussed concerning topics such as music and
(alterated states of) consciousness, music and emotion, music and
imagery, music and developmental relationships and music and earliest
childhood. This volume provides an extensive overview of Receptive Music
Therapy in Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg.