The contri buti ons to the workshops inc 1 uded short revi ews by i nvi
ted speakers as well as research papers sel ected by the Chai nnen from
the poster abstracts received. The afternoons were free for discussion
and recreation but delegates reassanbled with the help of Hunter Valley
Wines two hours before dinner to review the many posters presented. On
the evenings of the 27th and 28th May, four review lectures were given
by J. Dingle (The role of messengers of the IL-I/Catabolin type in
cartilage turnover), R. Poole (Immunochemistry as applied to the study
of connective tissues), W. Comper (Biophysical aspects of fluid movement
in proteoglycan matrices) and P. Roughl ey (Cha nges in proteoglycan
structure duri ng cartil age agei ng - ori gi n and effects). The
workshop sessions and review lectures, while intense, provided much new
data in the areas defined and provided useful debates on controversial
issues, which in some instances still remain unresolved. However, the
relaxed, informal atmosphere of the Salamander Bay resort provided the
greatest incentive for open discussion, the renewal of old, and
establishment of new, friendships, all of which are important aspects of
our scientific community. While it was not possible to publish all the
papers presented at the Salamander Bay Symposium, I trust that those
contained herei n will provide some indication of the overall quality
and scope of the meeting. Peter Ghosh President C.T.S.A.N.Z.