A journey of finding oneself in an increasingly material world...
An escape from censorship toward hoped-for redemption...
A path to forgiveness and restoration....
One bright morning in the summer of 2011, three strangers fortuitously
meet at the start of Yosemite's famed Mist Trail-a disillusioned
investment banker with two million dollars in cash in his tent, a
Chinese dissident artist escaping political persecution but not his own
demons, and a middle-aged single woman trying to rebuild her life after
a terrible divorce.
Each hiker is seeking something as they explore the Mist Trail, but by
the end of the climb, two of them will be dead.
Containing elements of satire, neo-noir, and geopolitical thriller,
Range of Light at heart is a literary work of fiction that captures
and reveals the complex, unraveling lives of three strangers in one of
America's most iconic natural settings. Beneath the thundering falls of
Yosemite, these disparate lives crash together in a dramatic climax,
revealing both the worst and the best aspects of the human heart.