The main purpose of this handbook is to summarize and to put in order
the ideas, methods, results and literature on the theory of random
evolutions and their applications to the evolutionary stochastic systems
in random media, and also to present some new trends in the theory of
random evolutions and their applications. In physical language, a random
evolution ( RE ) is a model for a dynamical sys- tem whose state of
evolution is subject to random variations. Such systems arise in all
branches of science. For example, random Hamiltonian and Schrodinger
equations with random potential in quantum mechanics, Maxwell's equation
with a random refractive index in electrodynamics, transport equations
associated with the trajec- tory of a particle whose speed and direction
change at random, etc. There are the examples of a single abstract
situation in which an evolving system changes its "mode of evolution" or
"law of motion" because of random changes of the "environment" or in a
"medium". So, in mathematical language, a RE is a solution of stochastic
operator integral equations in a Banach space. The operator coefficients
of such equations depend on random parameters. Of course, in such
generality, our equation includes any homogeneous linear evolving
system. Particular examples of such equations were studied in physical
applications many years ago. A general mathematical theory of such
equations has been developed since 1969, the Theory of Random