Over the past fifty years Paul Lister has enjoyed many rambles through
the countryside. Spending his time travelling through the diverse and
often beautiful English landscape, his roams have taken him around
Dartmoor Tors to the length of the Pennines Way and everywhere in
between. Spending his days and sometimes weeks (when work would allow)
travelling to the highest peaks and the lowest gulfs of the Lakeland
area, Paul has dedicated much of his life to exploring the places in
Britain so many take for granted, and although some of the detail may
have faded due to time, the memories he has made will be with him
forever. However, in a bid to keep time from ravaging these experiences
completely, Paul began recording his adventures through the country,
documenting the time he spent over the years in vivid recollections and
first-hand stream-of-consciousness notes that perfectly capture the
sense of awe and discovery and that made his rambling so rewarding in
the first place. Offering a personal view of the wonderful Lakeland and
Pennine scenery, Paul's collection of walks offers insight into life's
simple pleasures, and all of the whimsy, wanderlust and companionship
that can be found along the way. Rambling About Lakeland and Other
Places isn't intended to be a guide or a definitive piece of
geographical literature, but rather a collection of personal thoughts
and inspiring anecdotes that convey the simple beauty of discovery that
anybody can enjoy.