Putting the "I" in IHY This book is about international cooperation. It
demonstrates how the power of scienti?c imagination and investigation
can bring together people form all continents in almost all countries
around the globe. In presenting this impressive result, we can
understand, how much unifying force the quest for understanding our
universe and using outer space for that purpose have. Astronomy is far
away from being a "political" area of science. But is has enormous
political effects - and all of these effects are positive. This book
about the international aspects and achievements of the "International
Heliophysical Year (IHY) 2007" can be regarded as a compendium of the
fertile impacts of conducting research in this ?eld. The main focus, as
the title implicates, is the international cooperation, which has
emerged from this grassroots initiative. North and South, industrialized
and developing countries have been coordinating their efforts and have
been learning from each other in a mutual partnership under a joint
understanding of sharing the scienti?c bene?ts. Through this,
trans-border networks have been created and scienti?c as well as
cultural exchange took place.