The children we abuse today could become the monsters of tomorrow. This
is the story of child abuse and the nightmare it can create both in the
present and the future. It parallels and distorts what is madness and
what is sanity until the line becomes blurred beyond recognition. Dr.
Jack Barker: Respected Psychologist, loving father, responsible
neighbor, serial killer Under his mask of sanity he is driven to commit
his monstrous acts in a game of cat and mouse and justifies it all by
the wrongs that are done to him in the present and were perpetrated on
him in his childhood. MIke Swanson: Broken recovering alcoholic police
detective who has seen too many atrocities human beings can do to each
other.Will he be able to stop the monster in this case or be consumed by
his own demons from his past. When these two worlds collide in a
cataclysmic explosion, the battle will not only be over who will survive
but how to live with the nightmarish truth that ties each together in
the bondage of the past.