Drug therapy via inhalation route is at the cutting edge of modern drug
delivery research. There has been significant progress on the
understanding of drug therapy via inhalation products. However, there
are still problems associated with their formulation design, including
the interaction between the active pharmaceutical ingredient(s) (APIs),
excipients and devices. This book seeks to cover some of the most
pertinent issues and challenges of such formulation design associated
with industrial production and desirable clinical outcome.
The chapter topics have been selected with a view to integrating the
factors that require consideration in the selection and design of device
and formulation components which impact upon patient usability and
clinical effectiveness. The challenges involved with the delivery of
macromolecules by inhalation to both adult and pediatric patients are
also covered.
Written by leading international experts from both academia and
industry, the book will help readers (formulation design scientists,
researchers and post-graduate and specialized undergraduate students)
develop a deep understanding of key aspects of inhalation formulations
as well as detail ongoing challenges and advances associated with their