A widely researched protocol for treating major depressive disorder,
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) helps clients feel better and cope
more effectively by teaching them essential skills to become their own
therapists. This guide explains the basic cognitive model, the
therapeutic stance, and some of the most important cognitive and
behavioral interventions for depression, equipping clinicians with all
the key information they need to begin treatment. Core strategies
covered include how to nurture the therapeutic rapport, focusing on the
"here and now", goal-setting, and behavioral activation techniques such
as activity monitoring, the thought record, and behavioral experiments.
An invaluable overview of techniques to challenge clients' negative
automatic thoughts and depressive behaviors in order to promote
immediate and durable change.
Included in this comprehensive guide are a DVD of sample therapy
sessions and clinical explication that describe how to implement the
protocol, as well as a laminated pocket reminder card. An on-the-go
package of practical tools that busy clinicians won't want to be