We are pleased to present the second volume of our study on Psychoana-
lytic Practice, which we entitle Clinical Studies. Together, the two
volumes fulfill the functions usually expected of a textbook on theory
and tech- nique. In fact, some reviewers have asked why such a title was
not cho- sen. One of the reasons for our narrower choice was that our
primary concern is focused on those aspects of psychoanalytic theory
that are relevant to treatment. The first volume, entitled Principles,
has evoked much interest within and outside the professional community,
creating high expectations to- ward its clinical counterpart. After all,
psychoanalytic principles must demonstrate their value and efficacy in
treatment, i. e., in achieving changes in symptoms and their underlying
structures. This is apparent in the clinical studies contained in this
book, and in the process of compil- ing them the senior author has had
the opportunity to take stock of his long professional career.