Social protection is a term used to describe a range of policies and
services designed to protect individuals and families from financial
hardship and social exclusion. It includes both public and private
measures, such as cash transfers, health services, pensions, employment
insurance, and other social programs. In recent years, the concept of
social protection has expanded to include not just economic security,
but also social inclusion and human rights.
The world is becoming increasingly interconnected, with more people
living in urban settings and moving across borders for work, study, and
other reasons. This new reality has created a need for social protection
that is both more effective and more progressive. Progressive social
protection is a social protection approach tailored to the particular
needs of different populations and contexts. It seeks to ensure that all
people have access to essential services and support while also
promoting inclusion and social justice.
This book aims to provide an overview of progressive social protection,
looking at its definition, need, benefits, implementation, and
challenges. It also offers insight into how progressive social
protection can be maximized to benefit individuals and society as a