Previous works on industrial robots dealt with "programming" and
"programming languages" only in passing; no comparison was made between
characteristics of the individual programming lan- guages. This book,
therefore, gives a detailed account of industrial robot programming and
its environment. Mter introducing basic concepts special attention is
paid to the language constructs relevant to robot programming. The
features of various elements of the languages ex- amined are compared.
The languages are based on the following concepts: SRL - high-level
programming language based on AL with PASCAL elements (University of
Karlsruhe, F. R G. ) PASRO - integrated into PASCAL, based on the
geometrical data types of SRL (I. I. -BIOMATIC Informatics Institute,
Freiburg, F. RG. ) AL - derived from the high-level programming language
ALGOL (Stanford University, U. S. A., and University of Karls- ruhe, F.
RG. ) AML - high-level programming language, influenced by PL/1 (IBM, U.
S. A. ) VAL - language specifically developed for robots (Unimation, U.
S. A. ) HELP - mixture of high-level language elements and robot l-
guage elements and real-time processing (DEA, Italy) SIGLA - a simple
machine language (Olivetti, Italy) ROBEX - based on NC programming
(Technical College (RWTH), Aachen, F. RG. ) RAIL - high-level
programming language for industrial robots with elements for graphic
processing (Automatix, U. S. A. ) IRDATA - general software interface
between programming and robot controller (Association of German
Engineers (VDI), F. R G.