Global demand of energy is ever increasing and its resources due to
extensive exploitation arc fastly diminishing. The days of inexpensive
fossil energy are clearly numbered, the credibility of nuclear energy
has fallen to new low, and fusion energy stands decades of more for
practical realization. It is therefore imperative to turn to renewable
raw materials for energy. At present there is worldwide interest in the
process of converting photo synthetically derived substances into food.
Chemicals and fuels. The imminent storage of fossil fuel has intensified
the research for bioconversion of lignocelluosic material to fuels. The
availability of solar energy needs to be linked up with cellulosic and
hemicelluloses productivity. β-glucosidase is one of the component
enzymes of the cellulase complex and is widely distributed in nature. It
catalyzes the hydrolysis of arly and alkyl glycosides as well as of
cellobiose to glucose which is inhibitory to the endo and exo cellulases
during cellulose hydrolysis. This book explain the production of Beta
Glucosidase and its characterization.