From the study, it was observed that there was no difference between
marketed surplus and marketable surplus. It was because no distress sale
was recorded and no stock was retained by the farmers for the next year.
With the increase in the size of holding among the different component
of the total consumption, livestock consumption forms the major portion
of total consumption followed by family consumption. Production, area
under crop showed positive relationship with marketable and marketed
surplus whereas livestock consumption, family consumption, family size
showed the negative relationship with marketable and marketed surplus.
It was observed that producer share in consumer rupee was found maximum
in the channel-III followed by channel-II and minimum in channel-I,
because number of intermediaries in channel-I were more (P-VT-W-R-C).
Each intermediary was having margin within the channel due to this
producer share in consumer rupee increased in channel-III (P-C) followed
by channel-II (P-W-R-C) and channel-I(P-VT-W-R-C).