Product Policy in Europe: New Environmental Perspectives presents an
overview and assessment of a relatively new area of environmental policy
in Europe. Whereas the more `traditional' environment policy mainly
deals with individual emissions, waste and substances, product policy is
a more comprehensive approach addressing the environmental impacts of
products during their whole life cycle. The study reviews the current
state of affairs and the prospects for product policy in the EU and
Switzerland. It shows the relationship with other areas of environmental
policy and the potential role of new instruments and approaches. Four
case studies (on paint, batteries, public procurement and eco-labelling)
illustrate the barriers and opportunities of product policy.
Environmental policy makers and policy analysts will find useful
information and recommendations in this book. It is also written for
those who have a professional interest in reducing the environmental
impact of products, including marketing managers, product developers,
procurement officers and staff members of environmental and consumer
organisations, standardisation and certification institutions, etc.