In writing this short monograph on 'Problems in Peripheral Vascular
Disease', I have tried to steer a course between a simplistic dogmatic
approach more appropriate to an under- graduate text, and a detailed
specialist treatise of interest only to vascular surgeons. Although
arterial surgery has been performed for centuries, the main indications
in the past were to deal with the effects of trauma and aneurysm
formation. The development of arterio- graphy and the ability to see
arterial blocks and stenoses allowed surgeons to carry out increasingly
sophistidated operations for an enlarging range of pathological
conditions. Even today, arterial surgery continues to develop, and
although we are often dealing with the 'surgery of ruins', a successful
outcome is just as rewarding for surgeon and patient alike. In this book
I have also included a discussion on venous problems including a note
about recent developments in direct surgery of the deep veins of the
lower limb which could be a re- warding field of endeavour for the
vascular surgeon. The original descriptions by Buerger and Raynaud are
taken from 'Classic Descriptions of Disease' by Ralph H. Major. While
reviewing my own surgical practice, I have had the pleasure of reading
once again the publications of H.H.G. Eastcott (arterial surgery), J.T.
Hobbs (varicose veins), G.L. Hill (Buerger's disease), Adrian Marston
(intestinal ischaemia), Martin Bimstingl (vasospastic disorders) and
C.H. Hawkes (lumbar canal stenosis).