This book has been written with general practitioners primarily in view,
describing common paediatric conditions that present in the outpatient
clinics and those that require admission to hospital. The book is
neither a textbook of paediatrics nor a handbook but is aimed to provide
guidelines for the more commonplace conditions. Some aspects therefore,
have been dealt with in detail, where felt relevant, while others are
omitted on grounds of probable rare encounter. It is hoped that this
volume will provide the family practitioner with an insight in the
paediatrician's approach to many of the common problems in chifdren and
to help him decide on the best course of action to follow. The care of
children constitutes a significant and important part of a family
doctor's work and practitioners are keen to promote optional care in all
circumstances. It is hoped that the endeavours of this book will go in
some small way to help put across the practitioner's approach.