There is ample opportunity and scope for gynaecology in prim- ary care
in general practice. Many conditions and problems can be managed
successfully in this context without referral to hos- pital and
specialist care. The first aim of this book is to deal with common
problems that are referred for consultant opinion and specialist
management to the average District General Hospital by analysing
problems of presentation and diagnosis on a symptom-orientated basis.
Selection for primary care management as opposed to hospital referral is
then considered, following which the wide range of available treatment
is evaluated with particular emphasis on the maximum use of up-to-date
but proven regimes. The full use of the expertise of the practitioner is
highlighted throughout. The second aim is to encourage the practice of
primary care gynaecology and to help those doctors who have a special
in- terest in the subject, while hopefully stimulating others to de-
velop a similar one. With this in mind, the approach to the problems is
realistic and often dogmatic while opportunities for individual
management and for practical procedures are kept to the forefront.