This fourth edition contains several additions. The main ones con- cern
three closely related topics: Brownian motion, functional limit
distributions, and random walks. Besides the power and ingenuity of
their methods and the depth and beauty of their results, their
importance is fast growing in Analysis as well as in theoretical and
applied Proba- bility. These additions increased the book to an unwieldy
size and it had to be split into two volumes. About half of the first
volume is devoted to an elementary introduc- tion, then to mathematical
foundations and basic probability concepts and tools. The second half is
devoted to a detailed study of Independ- ence which played and continues
to playa central role both by itself and as a catalyst. The main
additions consist of a section on convergence of probabilities on metric
spaces and a chapter whose first section on domains of attrac- tion
completes the study of the Central limit problem, while the second one
is devoted to random walks. About a third of the second volume is
devoted to conditioning and properties of sequences of various types of
dependence. The other two thirds are devoted to random functions; the
last Part on Elements of random analysis is more sophisticated. The main
addition consists of a chapter on Brownian motion and limit