This symposium is the seventh of a series of IUTAM sponsored symposia
which focus on probabilistic methods in mechanics. It is the sequel to
the series of meetings in Coventry, UK (1972), Southhampton, UK (1976),
Frankfurt/Oder, Germany (1982), Stockholm, Sweden (1984),
Innsbruck/Igls, Austria (1987), and Turin, Italy (1991). The symposium
focused on advances in the area of probabilistic mechanics with direct
application to structural reliability issues. The contributed papers
address collectively the four components of a structural reliability
problem. They are: characterization of stochastic loads, description of
material properties in terms of fatigue and fracture, response
determination, and quantitative assessment of the reliability of the
structural system. Four Keynote Lectures by V. Bolotin (Russia), o.
Ditlevsen (Denmark), R. Heller (USA), and F. Ziegler (Austria) were
delivered; the remaining contributed papers were organized in ten
technical sessIons. A reception was hosted by Dr. Y. Wu the first day of
the symposium; the second day of the symposium a banquet was hosted by
Dr. P. Spanos, with Dr. N. Abramson serving as the banquet speaker.
Closing remarks were provided by the IUTAM Secretary General, Dr. F.