With the advent of the 80's there has been an increasing need for
analytic and numerical techniques, based on a thorough understanding of
microstructural processes, that express in a manner suitable for
practicing engineers the reliability of components and structures that
are being subjected to degradation situations. Such situations fall
within the framework offracture mechanics, fatigue, corrosion fatigue
and pitting corrosion. Luckily, such techniques are now being developed
and it was felt timely to combine in one volume reports by the leaders
in this field who are currently making great strides towards solving
these problems. Hence the idea of this monograph was born and I am
pleased to be associated both with it and the contributors whose
chapters are included in this volume. A very large part of the credit
for this monograph must go to the authors who have taken time out from
their busy schedules to prepare their submissions. They have all worked
diligently over the last few months in order to get their manuscripts to
me on time and I sincerely thank them for their help throughout the
preparation of this volume.