Pro Office 365 Development, Second Edition, is a practical, hands-on
guide to building applications for the cloud with Office 365. Combine
Office 365 features out of the box with custom code to make the most of
what this increasingly powerful and flexible platform has to offer.
As an Office 365 developer, you have an amazing range of technologies at
your fingertips. Build custom SharePoint apps in Visual Studio using
HTML5, CSS, and jQuery. Create declarative workflow applications with
Visio and SharePoint Designer. Use Access Web Database to publish your
data on the web, or write Exchange and Lync applications. All these
possibilities and more are covered.
You also have unprecedented control and flexibility over how you use
these technologies in your applications. With a powerful set of Office
365 APIs, you can now access and integrate Office 365 data directly into
your web or native applications, with full control of authentication,
authorization and discovery.
No prior cloud experience is necessary. Sample projects are designed to
bring the reader up-to-speed quickly, with full step-by-step
instructions to maximize your success across the whole Office 365 suite.
Whether you want to build desktop client applications or browser-only
solutions, Pro Office 365 Development will show you how to do it.