Noriaki Osada, teacher and philosopher, first published his
revolutionary book Theory of International Physical Education and
Sports Studies for the Achievement of Peace. With the offering before
you, Principles of Physical Education and Sports Studies, and Research
in All Nations, Mr. Osada continues his quest, elaborating on the
theory of enlisting sports in the service of mankind as a means of
promoting world peace. Today the Olympic Games represent a similar
endeavor, but Mr. Osada's works not only create a broader vision, but
provide practical methods for making that dream a reality.
The specific sports covered here are martial arts, skating, gymnastics,
skiing, and dance, but the principles can be applied to all sports. An
absolute must for physical education experts, this is an exciting and
powerful work.
About the Author:
Noriaki Osada was born in Kyoto, Japan, on March 19, 1949. He has a
bachelor's degree from Osaka Physical Education College and an M.A. from
National Osaka Education College. He also studied philosophy at Kyoto
University as an auditing student. Mr. Osada continues his work in
international physical education and sports studies as the founder of
Olympic Education for people around the world, is a lifetime member of
ICHPERSD (International Council for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, Sports, & Dance), and is also a member of AAHPERD (American
Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance).