The emergence of M6ssbauer spectroscopy as an important experi- mental
technique for the study of solids has resulted in a wide range of
applications in chemistry, physics, metallurgy and biophysics. This book
is intended to summarize the elementary principles of the technique at a
level appropriate to the advanced student or experienced chemist
requiring a moderately comprehensive but basically non-mathematical
introduction. Thus the major part of the book is concerned with the
practical applications of Mossbauer spectroscopy, using carefully
selected examples to illustrate the concepts. The references cited and
the bibliography are intended to provide a bridge to the main literature
for those who subseouent- ly require a deeper knowledge. The text is
complementary to the longer research monograph, 'Mossbauer
Spectroscopy', which was written a few years ago in co-authorship with
Professor N.N. Greenwood, and to whom I am deeply indebted for reading
the preliminary draft of the present volume. I also wish to thank my
many colleagues over the past ten years, and in particular Dr. R.
Greatrex, for the many stimu- lating discussions which we have had
together. However my greatest debt is to my wife, who not only had to
tolerate my eccen- tricities during the gestation period, but being a
chemist herself was also able to provide much useful criticism of the
penultirna te draft.