Most of the literature in forensic mental health assessment is organized
around the particular legal issue that is the focus of a given
assessment, tool, or research study. This book starts with a different
assumption: There are broad principles of forensic assessment that are
applicable across different legal issues. If such principles exist, they
should be derived from and supported by sources of authority in ethics,
law, science, and prof- sional practice. This is what I seek to do in
this book, with each of the 29 broad principles of forensic mental
health assessment described and a- lyzed from the perspective of these
sources of authority. There are a number of individuals who have
contributed in various ways to making this a better book. It seems best
to begin with a general acknowledgment: Those interested in forensic
mental health assessment, particularly my colleagues from the American
Psychology-Law Society and the American Board of Forensic Psychology,
have been an extraor- narily helpful and congenial group. I have learned
a great deal from them over the years and they challenged me to
undertake the daunting task of trying to capture the broad views of the
field in this book.