The world is undergoing unprecedented changes in many of the factors
that determine its fundamental properties and their in- ence on society.
These changes include climate; the chemical c- position of the
atmosphere; the demands of a growing human population for food and ?ber;
and the mobility of organisms, ind- trial products, cultural
perspectives, and information ?ows. The magnitude and widespread nature
of these changes pose serious challenges in managing the ecosystem
services on which society depends. Moreover, many of these changes are
strongly in?uenced by human activities, so future patterns of change
will continue to be in?uenced by society's choices and governance. The
purpose of this book is to provide a new framework for n- ural resource
management--a framework based on stewardship of ecosystems for human
well-being in a world dominated by unc- tainty and change. The goal of
ecosystem stewardship is to respond to and shape change in
social-ecological systems in order to s- tain the supply and
opportunities for use of ecosystem services by society. The book links
recent advances in the theory of resilience, sustainability, and
vulnerability with practical issues of ecosystem management and
governance. The book is aimed at advanced undergraduates and beginning
graduate students of natural resource management as well as professional
managers, community leaders, and policy makers with backgrounds in a
wide array of d- ciplines, including ecology, policy studies, economics,
sociology, and anthropology.