Quickly start programming with Linux while learning the Raspberry Pi
OS-the Linux distribution designed specifically for low-cost Raspberry
Pis. This short guide reviews Linux commands, GUI, and shell scripting
in a holistic manner by diving into both advanced and day-to-day tasks
using the Raspberry Pi OS.
You'll comfortably work with the Linux command prompt, and explore the
RPi OS GUI and all its base applications. Then move into writing your
own programs with shell-programming and using high-level languages such
as C, C++, and Python 3. You'll also study hardware and GPIO
programming. Use Python 3 for GPIO programming to drive LEDs and
Examples are written in Shell, C, C++, and Python 3. Graphical output is
displayed in helpful screenshots that capture just what you'll see when
working in this environment. All code examples are well tested on actual
Raspberry Pi boards. After reading this book and following the examples,
you'll be able to write programs for demonstration in your
academic/industrial research work, business environment, or just your
circle of friends for fun!
What You'll Learn
- Navigate the core aspects of Linux and programming on a Linux
- Install Raspberry Pi OS on a Raspberry Pi
- Program in Shell, C, C++, and Python
- Redirect Io and work with the crontab
Who This Book Is For
Linux enthusiasts, software engineers, researchers, business analysts,
and managers working with the low-cost Raspberry Pi.