This volumecontainsthepaperspresentedattheSecondWorkshoponthePr- tical
Applications of Declarative Languages (PADL'00) held in Boston, MA, USA,
January 17{18, 2000. PADL'00 was co-located with the 27th ACM C- ference
on the Principles of ProgrammingLanguages(POPL'00). The event was
Declarativelanguagesbuildonasoundtheoreticalbasisto provideattractive
frameworksfor application development. Indeed, these languages havebeen
s- cessfully applied to vastly di erent real-worldsituations, ranging
from data base management to active networks to software engineering to
decision support s- tems, to mention a few examples. One major strength
of declarative languages lies in the way work on e cient implementation
has allowed programmers to take advantage of their strong theoretical
foundations. In fact, new devel- ments in theory and implementation
often open up new application areas. On the other hand, as declarative
languages are applied to novel problems, a n- ber of interesting
research issues arise. Well-known issues include designing for
scalability, language extensions for application deployment, and
programming environments. Thus, applications are both a cause for and
bene t from progress in the theory and implementation of declarative
systems. The goal of the International Workshop on Practical Aspects of
Declarative Languages (PADL) series is to provide a forum where
researchers, practiti- ers, and implementors of declarative languages
may exchange ideas on current and novel application areas and on the
requirements for eectiv e deployment of declarative systems. This volume
contains the proceedings of the year 2000 workshop, held in Boston,
Massachusetts, January 17{18, 2000. Thirty-six -