This is a book to help clients to transform what happened to them to
make them better instead of bitter.
The first book on trauma to combine the theory and practice of positive
psychology and solution-focused brief therapy with traditional
approaches, this book veers away from a focus on pathology (what is
wrong with clients and how to repair the worst) to a focus on what is
right with them (and how to create the best)--that is, from post
traumatic stress to post traumatic success.
The three R's of post traumatic success are: Recovery, Resilience and
enRichment (post traumatic growth) - concepts depicted by the bamboo
plant on the book's cover. Trauma professionals will learn what it takes
to help more survivors benefit more substantively from therapy and how
to support their clients in developing longer-term resilience. By
practicing the skills in this book, they can increase their clients'
self-efficacy and self-esteem, and make psychotherapy shorter in time,
more cost effective and more lighthearted for their clients and
Written for all professionals and students working with trauma survivors
(both adults and children) and their families and friends, it equips
readers with practical direction for adopting a more positive approach
and expanding their range of available techniques. Over a hundred
exercises, thirty-three cases, and forty stories are presented to
illustrate and help incorporate this new approach into practice.
It's about time to turn the tide on treating trauma by shifting the
focus from reducing distress and merely surviving to building success
and positively thriving.