A detailed, one-stop guide for experienced options traders
Positional Option Trading: An Advanced Guide is a rigorous,
professional-level guide on sophisticated techniques from professional
trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair. The author has over two
decades of high-level option trading experience. He has written this
book specifically for professional options traders who have outgrown
more basic trading techniques and are searching for in-depth information
suitable for advanced trading.
Custom-tailored to respond to the volatile option trading environment,
this expert guide stresses the importance of finding a valid edge in
situations where risk is usually overwhelmed by uncertainty and
unknowability. Using examples of edges such as the volatility premium,
term-structure premia and earnings effects, the author shows how to find
valid trading ideas and details the decision process for choosing an
option structure that best exploits the advantage.
Advanced topics include a quantitative approach for directionally
trading options, the robustness of the Black Scholes Merton model, trade
sizing for option portfolios, robust risk management and more. This
- Provides advanced trading techniques for experienced professional
- Addresses the need for in-depth, quantitative information that more
general, intro-level options trading books do not provide
- Helps readers to master their craft and improve their performance
- Includes advanced risk management methods in option trading
No matter the market conditions, Positional Option Trading: An Advanced
Guide is an important resource for any professional or advanced options