Ever since publication of The Polyvagal Theory in 2011, demand for
information about this innovative perspective has been constant. Here
Stephen W. Porges brings together his most important writings since the
publication of that seminal work. At its heart, polyvagal theory is
about safety. It provides an understanding that feeling safe is
dependent on autonomic states, and that our cognitive evaluations of
risk in the environment, including identifying potentially dangerous
relationships, play a secondary role to our visceral reactions to people
and places.
Our reaction to the continuing global pandemic supports one of the
central concepts of polyvagal theory: that a desire to connect safely
with others is our biological imperative. Indeed, life may be seen as an
inherent quest for safety. These ideas, and more, are outlined in
chapters on therapeutic presence, group psychotherapy, yoga and music
therapy, autism, trauma, date rape, medical trauma, and COVID-19.