The rapid deterioration of the environment in many countries around the
world, or of segments and aspects of the environment in specific
locations, made it necessary that immediate - even if only short term -
solutions be found to as many of these problems as possible.
Nevertheless, in the long run, long range and long term solutions must
be found taking into account the effects of one country or region on
another as well as of the inter-action between the different types of
pollution over extended periods of time. It was the purpose of the Tel
Aviv meeting on Pollution: Engineering and Scientific Solutions, to
address presently known or foreseeable "environmental insults;" that is,
to focus on those aspects of air, noise, land, water or any other
environmental quality for which there already exist engineering,
scientific, legal or other solutions. Consequently, people from all
disci- plines which are relevant to environmental problems and their
solutions were invited to participate.