Pollen transmits the male genetic material in sexual reproduction of all
higher plants. This same pollen is also well suited as a research tool
for studying many patterns of plant and animal metabolism. In addition,
an increased knowledge of pollen may help plant breeders accelerate
efforts to improve the world's food and fiber supply. This volume
focuses upon pollen biology and chemistry; it attempts to inte- grate
these facts with management practices involved in pollen applications.
People have long been involved with pollen. Pollen applications are
recorded in the rites of ancient civilizations (see Frontispiece). From
the earliest times many benefits have been attributed to the inclusion
of pollen in man's diet; also, since the mid-19th century air-borne
pollen has been recognized as detrimental to many people's health.
Disciplines concerned with man's cultural history and the earth's
changing ecology find pollen a particularly useful and accessible tool.
Identifiable parts of pollen have survived over 100 million years. But
most books dealing with pollen are generally concerned with the
identification of the plant source, an aspect of the science of
palynology; other books emphasize the natural vectors transmit- ting
pollen, the pollination mechanisms. Very few works include the biochem-
istry or biology of pollen. Yet extensive studies by physicians, as well
as plant breeders and apiculturists, have contributed a sizeable body of
research relating to pollen.