In Australia and in many other societies around the world, the political
economic and cultural concerns of people with disabilities have been
marginalized. As a result of this, people with disabilities are among
the greatest socioeconomically downtrodden; consequently they are one of
the most socially excluded peoples in society. Based on interviews with
leading politicians and academics, extensive document based research,
and engagement with key theoretical and policy debates, this book
engages with key policy and social issues for people with disabilities.
In addition to analysing current policy and social processes around
disability, this book aims to contribute to more developed approaches to
disability services. The author also provides important and new insights
into these issues through personal narratives about his own experiences
of living with a degenerative disability. This book will be of interest
to researchers in social and political sciences, and also to people
interested in learning more about the experiences and political
struggles of people with disabilities in contemporary societies and
their influences on policy processes.