The New Police Officer During the past twenty years the tasks required
of police officers have expanded and changed with dramatic rapidi ty.
The tradi tional roles of the police had been those of law enforcement
and the maintenance of public order. As a consequence police officers
were typically large-bodied males, selected for their physical abilities
and trained to accept orders and enforce the law. Over the past two
decades, however, the industrialized nations have placed a variety of
new demands on police officers. To traditional law enforcement and
public order tasks have been added social work, mental health duties,
and cORllluni ty relations work. For example, domestic disputes,
violence between husbands and wives, lovers, relatives, etc., have
increased in frequency and severity (or at least there has been a
dramatic increase in reporting the occurence of domestic violence). Our
societies have no formal system to deal with domestic disputes and the
responsibility to do so, in most countries, has fallen to the police. In
fact, in some areas as many as 607. of calls for service to the police
are related to domestic disputes (see the chapter in this text by
Dutton). As a result the police officer has had to become a skilled
social worker, able to intervene with sensi ti vi ty in domestic
situations. Alternatively, in the case of West Germany, the officer has
had to learn to work co-operatively with social workers (see the chapter
by Steinhilper).