This book develops for the readers Plato's Socrates' non-formalized
"philosophical practice" of learning-through-questioning in the company
of others. In doing so, the writer confronts Plato's Socrates, in the
words of John Dewey, as the "dramatic, restless, cooperatively inquiring
philosopher" of the dialogues, whose view of education and learning is
unique: (1) It is focused on actively pursuing a form of philosophical
understanding irreducible to truth of a propositional nature, which
defies "transfer" from practitioner to pupil; (2) It embraces the
perennial "on-the-wayness" of education and learning in that to
interrogate the virtues, or the "good life," through the practice of the
dialectic, is to continually renew the quest for a deeper understanding
of things by returning to, reevaluating and modifying the questions
originally posed regarding the "good life." Indeed Socratic philosophy
is a life of questioning those aspects of existence that are most
question-worthy; and (3) It accepts that learning is a process guided
and structured by dialectic inquiry, and is already immanent within and
possible only because of the unfolding of the process itself, i.e.,
learning is not a goal that somehow stands outside the dialectic as its
end product, which indicates erroneously that the method or practice is
disposable. For learning occurs only through continued, sustained
communal dialogue.