Platelets can play a vital role in periodontal regeneration as they are
reservoirs of growth factors and cytokines which are the key factors for
regeneration of the bone and maturation of the soft tissue.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) are autologous
plateletconcentrates prepared from patient's own blood. Recent
researches are being focused on the development of therapeutic
alternatives which are easy to prepare, non-toxic or biocompatible to
living tissues and economically cheap that might result in the local
release of growth factors accelerating hard and soft tissue healing. PRF
is a natural fibrin-based biomaterial prepared from an
anticoagulant-free blood harvest without any artificial biochemical
modification that allows obtaining fibrin membranes enriched with
platelets and growth factors. Evidence from the literature suggests the
potential role of PRF in periodontal regeneration and tissue
engineering. The slow polymerization during centrifugation and
fibrin-based structure makes PRF a better healing biomaterial than PRP
and other fibrin adhesives.