One of the key problems of failure-free operation of machinery is
prevention of corrosion. The global scale of modern production makes
this problem even more critical. At the beginning of the 21st century
industrial contami- tion and the corrosion-active nature of the
environment reached a level such that corrosive damage of materials
became commensurate with their prod- tion volume and expenditure on
anticorrosion protection of machines became comparable with investments
in basic production. Anticorrosion techniques changed from being an
auxiliary service to industrial enterprises into a dev- oping,
scienti?cally intensive and generously ?nanced branch of production.
Polymers occupy a very speci?c place amongst anticorrosion techniques.
Polymers combine good chemical resistance with impermeability to di?-
ent media and unusual deformation characteristics. The main principle of
their application as anticorrosion means is the creation of a tight
barrier that insulates metal machine parts or constructions from
corrosion agents. The advantages of polymers allow the creation of such
a barrier at minimal cost,
providingprotectionoftheworkingmachinesfromcorrosion, combining their
manufacture with preservation and decreasing the cost of anticorrosion.
This is one of the main reasons why world production of polymer
materials increased by almost 50% in the past decad