Scientists have long been looking for alternative methods for the
cleaning of historical and cultural museum objects as conventional
methods often fail to completely remove surface films, leaving
contamination and surface residues behind. Low-temperature plasmas have
recently been found to provide a new, efficient and durable approach
that maintains the safety of both the materials and personnel. This book
is the first to introduce the emerging use of low-temperature plasmas in
the cleaning and decontamination of cultural heritage items.
It provides a comprehensive exploration of the new possibilities of
cleaning objects with plasma, before providing a practice guide to the
individual cleaning methods and an overview of the technologies and
conditions used in the different cleaning regimes. It is an ideal
reference for researchers in plasma physics, in addition to
professionals working in the field of historical and cultural
- Provides a thorough overview of the cleaning potential of emerging
plasma technologies in accessible language for professional restorers
and conservators without a scientific background
- Includes the latest case studies from the field, which have not been
published elsewhere yet
- Authored by a team of experts in the field
About the Authors:
Dr. Radko Tiňo is an Associate Professor at the Slovak University of
Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Dr. Katarína Vizárová is an Associate Professor at the Slovak University
of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Dr. Frantisek Krčma is an Associate Professor at Brno University of
Technology, Czech Republic.
Dr. Milena Reháková is an Associate Professor at the Slovak University
of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Dr. Viera Jančovičová is an Associate Professor at the Slovak University
of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Dr. Zdenka Kozáková is an Associate Professor at Brno University of
Technology, Czech Republic.