Upending and recombining familiar genres with fearless abandon, Nick
Mamatas is known for his wicked satires in which Horror rides shotgun
with SF as they power through Fantasy's rush-hour traffic. Lanes are
crossed, speed limits exceeded, and minds often blown.
Our title piece, original to this volume, is something entirely new.
Trust me. "The Planetbreaker's Son" is a starship novella in which
interstellar emigrants maintain their stadium-sized vessel with dreams
and play. On the fly. Think Pinocchio meets Ender's Game.
"Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring, Ring" is a cautionary tale about
the perilous interface between ancient wizardry and modern ringtones.
And it's for you. "The Term Paper Artist" is Nick's celebrated and
hilarious how-to on embellishing the academic establishment with equal
parts imitation and duct tape. Based on a true story of lies.
And Featuring: of course, our casually candid Outspoken Interview, in
which Greek sailors, Japanese manga mavens, Doc Martens, Lovecraft,
Grandma, and Kerouac mingle and mix. Care to dance?