Change is a necessary, though sometimes challenging part of staying
relevant, being engaged and seeking ways to flourish in one's life.
Coaching helps individuals develop coherent strategies for their life
and work and to tap into their strengths and inspiration. Often our
clients find themselves having to shift or transform their limiting
belief systems or habits of mind and behavior to move them toward
greater self-direction. How does such meaningful change occur? What role
can coaches play to effectively lead our clients to new insights?
To answer these questions, the authors set off on a scholar/practitioner
journey of research, study, and first-hand experience to better
comprehend the mystery and wonder of how clients actually make
meaningful transitions. Their path of inquiry describes a new science of
change about how pivotal moments in coaching occur and what coaches can
do to help ignite substantial change.
This book interweaves master coach stories, examples, tools, strategies,
and research to inform and enlighten readers of the profound awakening
human beings are experiencing to the power of individual choice. No
longer constrained by the outdated Newtonian concepts of linear change
and external control, individuals are now capable of self-organization
by shifting their perceptions and choosing to leave patterns of limited
thought and action.
From their research, the authors found that coaches play a key
facilitative role in helping unleash the capacities and power of these
pivots. Readers are invited to reflect on their own experiences of
insight and those of their clients and to focus on priming strategies
they can use to inspire and support pivotal moments for others. The
authors share a dynamic model for igniting substantial change which
shows the interrelationship of three core processes that contribute to a
person's readiness for a shift: beliefs, inner knowing, and memory.