Elizabeth Blackwell's autobiographic history of the brave
accomplishments of those who made the USA's medical profession
accessible to women is illuminating and uplifting. Writing toward the
end of the 19th century, Blackwell strikes a dignified and resolute tone
throughout this memoir. Prior to Victorian times, women had only a
diminished role in the medical profession, which - like most other
professional trades at the time - was closed to female participation.
Elizabeth Blackwell however was adamant that she could serve as a medic;
her persistence led her to become the first woman ever taught in medical
school, studying in the USA. Blackwell discusses famous figures in
English medicine, such as Florence Nightingale, as well as several more
obscure - but nevertheless important and influential - contributors to
the progress of women in the medical profession. Towards the end of the
book, set in 1858, Elizabeth Blackwell revisits England to behold the
hospitals and medical community of that nation.