A step-by-step guide to the Taoist fasting practice of Pi Gu
- Explains how you do not stop eating with this fasting practice and
details the simple pi gu diet
- Illustrates the chewing and chi kung practices to accompany pi gu,
for natural chi energy production
- Reveals how Pi Gu Chi Kung activates the body's natural healing
abilities, accelerates the elimination of toxins, reduces appetite and
cravings, and enables you to draw energies from the Earth and Universe
Pi gu is an ancient Taoist method of fasting for spiritual and healing
purposes. Unlike traditional fasting, you do not need to stop eating
when practicing pi gu. Used by ancient Taoist masters during their
months or years of solitary retreat in pursuit of enlightenment, the
practice centers on a simple diet of fruits, teas, nuts, and eggs paired
with special chewing techniques and chi kung exercises.
During the pi gu state, the need for food decreases yet the body's
energy levels actually increase. The body gathers chi not from food but
from chi kung and the "golden elixir" produced by the pi gu chewing
practices. The chi produced through pi gu charges your internal organs,
activating the body's natural healing abilities and enabling you to draw
energies from the Earth and Universe. In the pi gu state the body
automatically balances itself, the mind is more relaxed, and sleep
improves. The pause in normal eating makes the body's cells more
sensitive, accelerating the elimination of toxins. The stomach reduces
in size, flattening the belly, eliminating cravings, decreasing
appetite, and naturally producing weight loss. The body's meridians stay
open, making it easier to attune to meditation, chi kung, and energies
from the cosmos.
Providing a step-by-step guide to Pi Gu Chi Kung, Master Mantak Chia and
coauthor Christine Harkness-Giles explain the pi gu diet, provide
immortality tea recipes, detail the pi gu chewing exercises, and
illustrate the corresponding chi kung energy exercises. They also
explain the use of pi gu during darkness retreats to enhance spiritual
awareness and increase mental powers and wisdom.