Despite the widespread use of psychophysiological concepts and meth- ods
in behavior therapy, there is no text devoted specifically to the
subject. The publication of this book is necessary and timely, and
should promote a better appreciation of the physiological roots of
behavior therapy. The important connections between physiology and
behavior thera- py receive insufficient recognition nowadays, despite
the fact that his- torically one of the two main streams of behavior
therapy grew out of a physiological basis. Wolpe's early work was
closely connected to phys- iology, and in contemporary behavior therapy,
Lang's critical contribu- tion is firmly based in psychophysiology. The
physiological component is prominent in Lang's highly productive
three-systems analysis of emo- tion and in its application to
psychological disorders. In addition, there are philosophical reasons
for maintaining the close connection between behavior therapy and
physiology. The existence of these connections, and their justification,
can raise few objections, and it is therefore curious that a book on
this significant subject has not appeared earlier. The importance of
physiology for behavior therapy can be illus- trated by considering the
nature of a behavior therapy deprived of its physiological connections.
It would survive, certainly, but as a rather scrawny, uninteresting
orphan among many clamorous competitors.