This book provides a cohesive overview of carbon concentrating mechanism
(CCM) of photosynthetic microorganisms such as cyanobacteria and
microalgae. This unique mechanism is by far the most spectacular
physiological process in algal growth and productivity. Due to this
fact, the study of CCM has captivated phycologists, algal molecular and
cellular biologists, botanists, agriculturalists, crop growers, and most
recently algal biofuel researchers, around the world. In the brief, the
authors draw a contextual in-depth overview, on the basis of the latest
findings, to develop an account of the core concepts regarding
state-of-the-art of CCM. Subsequent chapters use this account to explore
carbon concentrating mechanism of cyanobacteria and microalgae. They
highlight the concise summaries of cutting-edge research and integrated
industrial applications of photosynthetic microorganism based
CO2 mitigation system, across a wide spectrum of energy and
environment. The brief also presents sustainable perspectives of carbon
concentrating mechanism in the context of current global energy and
environmental challenges.