Write down the instructions pet owners have for you to assist in taking
the best care possible of their beloved pets while they are away. Be it
feeding schedules, exercise routines, special instructions, things to
avoid, or phone numbers to call in the event of an emergency, you can
have all important information at your fingertips using this lined
journal for pet sitters. From any medication their pets may be taking
down to their favorite toys and treats, you can carry your journal with
you while you prepare for the departure of pets' owners and jot it all
down on the spot, having a reference during the time they are away. Keep
your journal with you and record daily activities and highlights of
spending time with your pet friends. Keep one for yourself and give one
to pet owners filled with the experiences you've had with their pets
while they were away! 6" x 9", 152 pages, 76 sheets, perfect bound