This report on Future Trends in Inflammation III is the record of what
is now firmly established as a series of multidisciplinary meetings
organized by the European Biological Research Association. The aim of
these meetings is to provide a forum for free exchange of information
between basic scien- tists of many disciplines and clinicians to provide
better understanding of problems of common interest. The next major
meeting wi1l be held in 1980.* The European Biological Research
Association promotes scientific and clinical collaboration among the
member countries ofthe EEe. It encourages exchange of information
between scientists and clinicians from centres all over the world. In
addition to the major international meetings small work- shops are
organized on specific problems of common interest. Once again the
Editors have attempted to capture the spirit of the meeting by
publishing 'verbatim' the discussion. It can be seen that the
discussions were exciting and formed an important part of the meeting.
It is possible that inaccuracies have crept into the discussions; if so
we apologize. It was decided that the proceedings of such a meeting had
maximum value with rapid publication. We would like to thank the
participants for the enthusiasm and goodwill which persisted throughout
the meeting both scientifically and socially. Above all we wish to thank
H.R.H. The Duchess of Kent for acting as Patron of this meeting.