Exploring the work of a Psych-Oncology Team in an inpatient and
outpatient setting, this powerful, interesting, and engaging book is
about teenagers and young adults diagnosed with cancer.
As part of the few multidisciplinary teams of this type in the United
Kingdom, the authors offer helpful insights into supporting young people
and their families as they navigate this complex and devastating
disease, writing on key areas such as trauma, the effects of early
childhood cancer in adolescence and beyond, the social and cultural
effects of cancer treatment, hope, and hopelessness, and questions of
mortality. Each chapter contains a mixture of clinical reflections and
patient vignettes, along with clear guidance about how to support
patients and their families both during and after treatment, and at the
point of death too.
With a compassionate approach to understanding the challenges for
patients, their families, and clinicians alike, this is a book for
nurses, doctors, occupational therapists, and physiotherapists, for
parents and carers, and for young people who find themselves in this
position and who can easily feel as though they are alone with their
overwhelming feelings.