All of Palestine's rulers, Herod Agrippa, held a feast in Claudius'
honor. High civilization has never been so fully united with the lowest
savagery, not even in ancient Mexico. Rome personified had no
conscience; she was an intelligent, opulent beast with a lusty appetite,
making her even more ferocious. The time went rather slowly, but nobody
stopped by to bother them. Rachel woke up three hours after midday,
feeling energized but hungry, and she had nothing except raw grain to
offer her. Inquiring about her mistress's approval, she related all that
had happened. To her, they were all known as "Uncle," with their name
appended if she happened to know it, or just as Uncle.If the sun had
risen, she was unsure of how she would have survived the rest of the
day. Julia, Gallus's wife, was sitting in her bed-chamber on the morning
after the Triumph, gazing out at the Tiber's emerald waters. The day
before, while mingling with the Roman populace, she had witnessed her
beloved Miriam trudging through Rome's streets. Then, when she could
take it no longer, she left for home, leaving Gallus to see the drama's
last scenes.