A one-semester, non-STEM path focused alternative to the traditional
two-semester, Intro & Intermediate developmental algebra sequence.
Students should be prepared to move from this course into a non-STEM
track credit-level course, such as Liberal Arts Math or Statistics, or
Intermediate Algebra.
Provides tools to stay engaged and succeed in the course
In a relatable and distinctive voice, Bob Blitzer motivates students of
diverse backgrounds and majors by engaging them through compelling,
real-world applications of the math. Pathways to College
Mathematics is a general survey of topics that prepares students for
a variety of college math courses -- primarily liberal arts mathematics,
quantitative reasoning, statistics, finite mathematics, and mathematics
for education majors. The content does go deep enough to also prepare
students for Intermediate Algebra or College Algebra, if an instructor
chooses to cover this material.
The text and MyLabTM Math course give students going on to a non-STEM,
college-level course a one-semester alternative to the traditional
two-semester algebra course. It's intended to accelerate non-STEM
students through their developmental sequence, but can also prepare
students for intermediate algebra if they intend to follow a STEM
A goal of the 2nd Edition is to encourage students to use their
textbooks and MyLab Math materials**,** which are essential components
to understanding concepts and course success. At the start, Blitzer
outlinesthree clear steps to success - Read the Book or eBook, Work the
Problems, and Review for Quizzes and Tests. Each includes a wealth of
learning tools. For students' convenience, the book is available in
paperback, loose-leaf, or eText format, and in MyLab Math and through
other sources.
Also available with MyLab Math
By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible
platform, MyLab Math personalizes the learning experience and improves
results for each student.
Note: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyLab Math does not come
packaged with this content. Students, if interested in purchasing this
title with MyLab Math, ask your instructor to confirm the correct
package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson
representative for more information.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab Math,
search for:
0135492521 / 9780135492529 Pathways to College Mathematics Plus MyLab
Math with Pearson eText - Access Card Package, 2/e